, исправляющая внесенную в выпуске 4.9.3 ошибку с автообновлением. Если вы успели (возможно автоматически) обновить свой сайт (или сайты) до 4.9.3, то вам нужно обновить WordPress до версии 4.9.4, используя кнопку в Консоль > Обновления, либо иным удобным вам способом (wp-cli, через ftp или ssh).
Today we’ve released WordPress 4.9.4, the day following WordPress 4.9.3.
WordPress 4.9.4 is the first minor release of WordPress in over four years since WordPress 3.7 was released where not all users will be receiving an automatic update.
This isn’t by choice – a bug went undetected during the 4.9.3 development cycle, and was only discovered hours after 4.9.3’s release. The bug causes a PHP Fatal error to be triggered when WordPress attempts to update itself.
Unfortunately this means that WordPress Administrators will need to proceed with a WordPress update themselves, through the WordPress Administration panel (Just hit Update Now under Updates), using WP-CLI, or via FTP. Hosts who apply updates automatically on their customers behalf will also be able to continue to update sites as normal.
What Happened? #43103-core aimed to reduce the number of API calls which get made when the autoupdate cron task is run. Unfortunately due to human error, the final commit didn’t have the intended effect, and instead triggers a fatal error as not all of the dependancies of find_core_auto_update() are met. For whatever reason, the fatal error wasn’t discovered before 4.9.3’s release – it was a few hours after release when discovered.