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Скачать бесплатно Iconic One Pro - производительная тема WordPress.
Скачать бесплатно Iconic One Pro - производительная тема WordPress.
Тема премиум качества с отточеной до пикселя типографией и адаптивностью. Создана для поизводительности с рейтингом pagespeed 95+. Тема предоставляет качественную SEO для высокой ранжировки контента, совместима с AIOSEO и Yoast SEO. Тема активно использует настройщик, который позволяет вам за минуты всё настроить, загрузить логотип, изменить цвет фона, текст в подвале, социальные ссылки без редактирования какого-то кода. Iconic One использует последние стандарты HTML5 и CSS3 а также нативные функции WordPress что позоляет ей выглядеть хорошо в любом браузере.
Что нового в версии :
-- Пользовательское исправление HTML-виджета, теперь редактируемое без обновления
-- Обновление стиля календаря
-- Обновление языковых файлов
-- Добавлен шведский язык
-------------- July 10 2020 ----------------
- Version
-- Custom HTML widget fix, now editable without refresh
-- Calender style update
-- Language pot files updated
-- New: Sweden language .po file sv_SE added
-------------- June 24 2020 ----------------
- Version
-- New: Page template: Page with Author Bio and Sidebar
-- Fix: Missing Styles in Theme options where WordPress installation is in a sub directory
-------------- June 09 2020 ----------------
- Version
-- New: Page template: Full width with Author Bio
-- Woocommerce cart button style fix
-- Author bio - added padding to social icons
-- Added Japanese, German, Chinese and Russian .po and .mo files
-------------- March 13 2020 ----------------
- Version
-- Fix: Admin dashboard bar width
-------------- March 12 2020 ----------------
- Version
-- New: Added Editor Styles for Gutenberg blocks
-- Mobile View improvements
-- Tables styles -> fully bordered Cells
-------------- December 21 2019 ----------------
- Version 2.9.9
-- Fix: Missing Facebook share button in page templates
-- CSS Bug fixes
-------------- December 04 2019 ----------------
- Version 2.9.8
-- Added Instagram in Author profile page
-- Removed multi author requirement to show author profile below posts
-- Bug fixes
-------------- November 18 2019 ----------------
- Version 2.9.7
-- WordPress 5.3 compatibility
-- Block Image captions alignment fix
-- Width fix for Facebook Share Button for other languages
-------------- August 16 2019 ----------------
- Version 2.9.6
-- Removed Google Plus share button
-- Added a separate option for Facebook Share Button
-------------- July 5 2019 ----------------
- Version 2.9.5
-- Added Instagram social icon in header
-- Added square shape social icons option in customizer -> social
-- Removed Google plus icon
-- Added LinkedIn in Author profile
-------------- June 19 2019 ----------------
26/06/2019 - Version 2.9.4
- RTL fixes (If you don't use RTL languages you can skip this one)
19/06/2019 - Version 2.9.2
- Accessibility fixes
-------------- May 28 2019 ----------------
28/05/2019 - Version 2.9.1
- Centered text logo on mobiles
28/05/2019 - Version 2.9
- Added option to display Search bar in mobile, available via customizer -> post settings
- Translation fixes
- Mobile view improvements for modern full screen phones
-------------- April 23 2019 ----------------
23/04/2019 - Version 2.8
- HTTPS warning fixed when using form fields in sidebar
-------------- February 24 2019 ----------------
24/02/2019 - Version 2.7
- Bug fixes (Fixed: Right aligned text logo and description when logo image is not uploaded)
-------------- February 18 2019 ----------------
18/02/2019 - Version 2.6.1
- Bug fix for the last update
-------------- February 18 2019 ----------------
18/02/2019 - Version 2.6
- SEO Update (h1 tag based title on home page only)
-------------- January 13 2019 ----------------
13/01/2019 - Version 2.5
- PHP 7.2 compatibility
- Woocommerce style updates
- Bug fixes
-------------- September 11 2018 ----------------
11/09/2018 - Version 2.4
- Early Gutenberg support
- New slider design
- Added Pinterest in top social buttons
- Added option to have both Logo and Title/Tagline together
- Bug fixes
- Bigger touch tap targets for mobile view - as per the Google mobile friendly tool recommendation
-------------- April 12 2018 ----------------
12/04/2018 - Version 2.2
- Updated Google Font scripts
-------------- February 11 2018 ----------------
11/02/2018 - Version 2.1
- CSS Bug fixes
-------------- January 27 2018 ----------------
27/01/2018 - Version 2.05
- Fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility issues
-------------- December 5 2017 ----------------
05/12/2017 - Version 2.05
- Updated .pot file for translation terms
-------------- November 25 2017 ----------------
25/11/2017 - Version 2.04
- Category button color fix
- Added Jetpack email subscription styles
-------------- August 22 2017 ----------------
24/08/2017 - Version 2.01
- Bug Fixes (Menu color and Full width header)
- Added option to hide/display all social icons in one click
-------------- August 22 2017 ----------------
22/08/2017 - Version 2
- PHP 7 compatibility
- Upgraded scripts
- Speed optimizations
- Image social icons replaced with font social icons
-------------- June 1 2017 ----------------
01/06/2017 - Version 1.9.8
- Fixed Jetpack compatibility issue (Fixes unresponsive Widgets)
-------------- May 19 2017 ----------------
19/05/2017 - Version 1.9.7
- Category display on home page fixed
- Assistive container renamed to match content container
- Mailchimp and Aweber widget support added
-------------- December 7 2016 ----------------
07/12/2016 - Version 1.9.6
- Option to display last updated date instead of published date for SEO purpose in live customizer
- Minor code updates
-------------- November 1 2016 ----------------
01/11/2016 - Version 1.9.5
- Minor style update when using full width pages
- Added Structured Data support for pages - Added two new page templates for this
-------------- September 2016 ----------------
01/09/2016 - Version 1.9.4
- Added WooCommerce Support
-------------- July 2016 ----------------
07/12/2016 - Version 1.9.3
- Fixed: No display of Featured image below post title when set in Main Settings
- Fixed Hfeed class - now it will apply when not on single page/post
07/06/2016 - Version 1.9.2
- Setting Excerpts to default on home, last update didn't work as expected
07/05/2016 - Version 1.9.1
- Setting Excerpts to default on home, fix for v1.9
07/04/2016 - Version 1.9
- Added Post Setting option for disabling excerpts in Live customizer
- Added option for removing category and tags from home in Live customizer
- Description area will hide if empty
-------------- April 2016 ----------------
04/01/2016 - Version 1.8.9
- Code update
- Home Page Title sub-heading fix in mobile view
-------------- March 2016 ----------------
03/19/2016 - Version 1.8.8
* Added Structured Data support on Image attachment pages
* Removed non existent image url from slider CSS
* Updated version number in control panel
03/03/2016 - Version 1.8.7
* Added new page template: No Header With Sidebar
* WordPress widget compatibility code update
-------------- February 2016 ----------------
02/05/2016 - Version 1.8.6
* Reverting category.php due to bug
02/03/2016 - Version 1.8.5
* Category slider posts no repeat fix
* Mobile menu will work even if menu is not set as Primary
* Header Heading now uniform across theme
-------------- November 2015 ----------------
11/15/15 - Version 1.8.2 (Security update)
* Updated Scripts
* Small gap under sub-sub-menu fixed
-------------- October 2015 ----------------
10/07/15 - Version 1.8.1 (Minor update)
* White space fix in header
* Darker main menu text color
-------------- October 2015 ----------------
10/04/15 - Version 1.8
* WordPress Version 4.3.1 compatibility update
* SEO Improvements
* Includes style fix for Jetpack popular posts widget
-------------- August 2015 ----------------
08/04/15 - Version 1.7
* Security update
* Minor style fixes
-------------- July 2015 ----------------
07/02/15 - Version 1.6
* Pagination updated to work on Category and tag pages.
* Added Sub-menu arrow indicator for Main menu.
* Minor bug fixes
-------------- March 2015 ----------------
03/29/15 - Version 1.5
* Updated .pot file for translations
* Minor bug fixes
-------------- February 2015 ----------------
02/04/15 - Version 1.4.9
* Improved responsive features
* Official support for full width header images with one click
* Removed hyphens from content
* Removed breadcrumb from front page
-------------- January 2015 ----------------
01/08/15 - Version 1.4.8
* Added support for Social sharing buttons on Pages
* Added support for Breadcrumb on Pages up-to two levels
* Added Footer widget title background similar to sidebar widget title
01/03/15 - Version 1.4.7
* Code Improvements
* Category page description now has improved style
* Uniform spacing between category and tags display below posts
* Aligned the navigation of slider to center for all devices
* Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.1
-------------- June 2014 ----------------
06/08/14 - Version 1.4.6
* Minor Style fix for feedburner email subscription and search widget for Internet Explorer
* Updated RTL stylesheet
* Code Improvements
* Slider caption margin fix
* Decreased Excerpt length
-------------- May 2014 ----------------
05/01/14 - Version 1.4.5
* Reverted tag display on small resolution
* Pages and page templates now support featured image on top of title
* Google Plus sharing button fix for current URL
* iPad will now display full menu instead of mobile menu
-------------- April 2014 ----------------
04/25/14 - Version 1.4.4
* Added two new options in control panel 1) Show date/comments bar on home page 2) Show social sharing on home page
* Structured data name/fn support on single post pages
* Removed the colored bar visible above mobile navigation in iPad
* Translation text domain fixes inside control panel
04/23/14 - Version 1.4.3
* Translation fixes inside control panel
* Adjusted sidebar width to fit 300 width ads
04/21/14 - Version 1.4.2
* Added Support for Structured data: Rich Snippets Markup Author and Updated
* Related posts responsive improvement for titles spanning two or more lines
* Author page responsive improvements
* Translation fixes
* Shadow behind images is now removed
* Code Improvements
* Limited tags on Home to max 3
* Fully tested with latest WordPress 3.9
04/14/14 - Version 1.4.1
* Link color is changed to blue
* Sidebar widgets not appearing in no title template now fixed
* Custom.css not loading fixed
04/11/14 - Version 1.4
* Full bbPress Support with custom premium bbPress theme
* Title tag is H2 on home, category and tags, no change in single posts display
* Added no title full width page template
* Removed active page menu background when using sidebar menu
* Removed default yellow background behind Ads
* Code cleanup and minor improvements
* Conditional loading of slider scripts for improved speed when slider is disabled
* Central aligned footer text at small screen resolution
* Minor Responsive improvements for small screens
* Added slider page template
-------------- December 2013 ----------------
12/20/13 - Version 1.3
* Footer custom text overflow fix for small screens
* Validation bug fixes.
* Responsive improvements.
* New flatter mobile menu design.
* Added New Page Template: No Title with Sidebar template.
* Added New Landing Page Template: No Header template without sidebar and footer.
-------------- September 2013 ----------------
09/01/13 - Version 1.2
* Added option of circular social buttons with a single click in the live customizer -> Social.
* Added option of Linkedin and Youtube social buttons
* Social Media button selection: you can now hide the social buttons that you don't want to show just by making the URL field empty and saving.
* Added Option to show Featured image automatically below post title. Available in Control Center -> Main Settings.
* Email subscription box and Search box style fix - for consistent cross browser and mobile experience.
* Fixed category/tags overlapping issue when large no. of category/tags are present.
* Fixed undefined index login_logo error in wp admin login screen page.
* Minor Header Logo text and description style changes, can be seen when logo is yet to be uploaded.
* Removed the extra @custom.css import from style.css
* Added iconic-one-pro.pot file in /language folder for worldwide translation with a mini tutorial in the same folder.
* Removed the current page background color from the sidebar
* Fixed 404 pages width issue
* Closed the open tag from content.php
* Fixed social sharing bar bug when there are less number of words in the home page excerpt section (when using manual ).
* Better looking Below Title meta backgroud ba, now spans full width of the content container.
* Added Exclusive Direct Support Forum link in Themonic Framework Control Center.
-------------- August 2013 ----------------
08/04/13 - Version 1.1.2
* Added footer Widgets - footer-one, footer-two and footer-three.
* Added ON/OFF swith for footer widget area in the control panel
* Added responsive styles for footer Widgets at width below 768px.
* Added new styling for footer search and email subscription widgets, this is independent from sidebar styling.
In simple terms it means same widgets when placed in footer will have new look.
08/02/13 - Version 1.1.1
* Fixed a responsive navigation bug for older Internet Exlorer versions IE8 and below.
-------------- July 2013 ----------------
07/30/13 - Version 1.1
* Header width now Auto - Big Logos won't break the header.
* Fixed the Vertical spacing between categories and tags when there are a large no. of tags.
* Sidebar will now show nice looking search bar, recent posts, categories and tag cloud if no widgets are defined.
* Added live customizer link in the Appearance menu for ease of access.
* The Responsive Menu no longer requires setup, Iconic One menu responsiveness will now work automagically.
* Nav menu improvement, removed the background color for child hover.
* Changelog.txt is now included.
* Updated Framework Support Section with new documentation and member login links
* Fixed footer debug notice in the Themonic Framework.
07/13/13 - Iconic One PRO Version 1.0
* Initial release!
Создатель темы: Themonic
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MD5: fa531e536d220a7e8ce8f739ca481a2a